Financial Lease or a Personal Loan?

At Dutch Luxury Garden Concepts, you have the option to lease our concepts. This can be through a financial lease (business) or a personal loan (private), where the product immediately becomes your economic property.

A few important points

  • You are committing to a financial obligation for a specified period. You can buy out the amount or pay it off early by settling all outstanding installments at once or by making an additional payment.

  • Lower your monthly payment by making a partial payment upfront or by including a final payment. A final payment is the amount that must be settled at the end of the term. Our concepts are sustainably built with a long lifespan. Additionally, our 20ft Wellness and 20ft Office spaces are also relocatable and therefore resalable. This ensures a good residual value.

  • Credit Registration (BKR). For both private individuals and self-employed persons, the lease amount is recorded in your personal BKR. It’s always good to know this for future plans regarding the term.

  • Tax Advantages. In some cases, you may achieve tax benefits by using financial lease. Consult a tax advisor to understand how this might apply to you. As a self-employed person or business, there are more benefits than for private individuals. For example, you can activate your purchase, such as a 20ft Office, on the balance sheet and depreciate it as a business asset. Requirements from the tax authorities, such as having your own sanitary facilities, are also feasible in our proposal.

  • Maintenance and Insurance. With a financial lease or personal loan, you are the economic owner of the product. This means that the responsibility for insurance and maintenance also falls on you. Keep this in mind when budgeting.

We Partner with PG Lease

When you lease a concept from us, we coordinate with PG Lease ( They pay us, so your financial obligations are with PG Lease, not with us.

Benefits of PG Lease:

  • Flexible with the types of financing offered.

  • Financing can be arranged within 24 hours.

  • Transparent. Open and clear with a personal contact person. No surprises.

  • Financing possible without annual figures. Ideal for start-up self-employed persons or small and medium-sized businesses.

  • Negative credit registration due to past issues? PG Lease looks beyond this, making leasing often possible.


085-050 98 85



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